
So by now you know I’m addicted to nail art/fashion and this week our Nail Guru Tinika had me going crazy over the newest nail trend that she calls “chain swag” and “glam stud” nails! Now some of you Glam Stars may think that nail art is too gaudy but don’t worry gaudy is IN! […]


Ok so everyone has the same complaints about getting manis on their natural nails…it chips to fast!  But for some folks acrylic is out of the question so the chipped nail polish has just become the norm.  Well say goodbye to that tacky chipped polish just 3 days after getting those nails glammed up! If […]


Its almost September so that means fall is around the corner and it’s time for new fall polish colors! Check out what our Nail Guru Tinika says about upcoming fall trends below: We know it’s blazing outside and the last thing you want to think about are autumns warm layers of knits and wools.  The […]