– Comedy

- Comedy

“Ain’t Nobody Sayin Nothin,” but is there a key to get into the nasty gas station bathroom!? Listen to the audio player to hear more intriguing questions…

Bernice Jenkins has a special announcement for all women over 6 feet tall with gap teeth! Listen to the latest Church Announcements in the audio player to hear about…

- Comedy

This joke is pretty clever! What’s the difference between Tiger Woods and Santa Claus? Listen to Rock-T‘s  Joke Of The Day in the audio player to find out!  Click here for…

- Comedy

What type of animals should you never play cards with? This one might actually have you laughing! Listen to Rock-T‘s  Joke Of The Day in the audio player to hear…

Instead of doing the Church Announcements today, Bernice Jenkins is sharing a remake she did of Chris Brown‘s “Poppin.” Since he’s in jail she’s sending it out to him!…

- Comedy

    Be sure to tune into the Midday’s weekly 10am-3pm with RoDigga! Facebook Main: ro.digga Facebook 2: rodigga2 Twitter: @RoDigga Instagram: @RoDigga

  People had mixed reviews about Michael Jackson‘s hologram on the Billboard Music Awards, but “The Rickey Smiley Morning Show” wanted to know how Michael…

- Comedy

If King Kong went to Hong Kong to play ping pong and died, what would they put on his coffin? This is a tough one!…

Bernice Jenkins tells us special prayer is needed for Marvin and Angela Harris’ new baby, Marvin Jr. At only 3-month-old Marvin Jr. weighs 75 pounds! Listen to…

- Comedy

    Be sure to tune into the Midday’s weekly 10am-3pm with RoDigga! Facebook Main: ro.digga Facebook 2: rodigga2 Twitter: @RoDigga Instagram: @RoDigga

- Comedy

“Ain’t Nobody Sayin Nothin,” but have you ever wondered why Morgan Freeman looks the same age in all his movies!? Listen to the audio player to…

  Everyone has their own ideas of what caused Jay Z and Solange‘s elevator fight, so you know Special K had to add his thoughts. Listen…