Im pretty sure this is just jokes, but could he be worst than our current situation…..probably not. Go for it Fif ! Via | Complex Recently, 50 Cent has been imposing his will more than usual. This exhibition of power (especially when it comes to collecting on debts) has led fans to joke about making […]

No comment…… Via | Gamerevolution A new Snapchat filter is letting people see what they would look like as a different gender. The Snapchat gender change filter gives users a glimpse at what users might look like as the opposite gender. The Male Female swap filter is taking the internet by storm by creating amusing […]

This seems kinda random but its really not…….. Via | HNHH In 2004, the idea of a rap crossover such as Jay-Z and Linkin Park’s Collision Course EP, had many eyes rolling– perceived as cringe-worthy, corny, and a money-grab (or possibly all three), we swallowed the music forcibly. Now, however, we live in an age where […]

Need a love spell just call 1-800-DIAL-A-WITCH…..or just log on to your nearest computer and you can receive the spell of your choice basically via skype . Via | HuffPost “Repeat after me! To be together with who I want,” a family of Romanian witches chant via a video call to a client in India […]

What will they think of next ???  Apparently the US Navy also uses animals (Sea Lions, Dolphins) for certain missions as well. I can barely train a dog… the hell does one train a whale ???? Via | CNN Fishermen off Norway’s northern coast were astonished last week when they spotted a beluga whale wearing […]

I told yall Kanye was out there in the desert starting a cult !!!! When all else fails…..sell religion right ? Via | Complex Every move Kanye West makes will be heavily scrutinized (and, if we’re talking about his sock-looking new sneakers, rightfully so). But if he’s looking to turn his Sunday Service into a […]