Fitness & Nutrition

Elev8 Health

Check out this tasty steak and vegetable recipe.

Elev8 Health

Check out these spa and fitness products that are contributing the fight against breast cancer.

Elev8 Health

What exactly is fitness? Fitness means being able to perform physical activity. It also means improving you energy, strength and health.

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Lesley Cottrell, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at West Virginia University conducted a study and found that your child's physical fitness is associated with their academics.

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Are you always on the go, eating in your car or at your desk while you work? Check out these choices for healthy fast food.

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Studies have shown that the lack of certain vitamins and minerals can you put you at risk for depression. Check out some healthy recipes that will make sure that you have all of the vitamins that you need.

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Salmon is an excellent source for Omega 3's. Try this scrumptious healthy recipe.

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Eating a diet high in vegetables, fish, fruit, nuts and poultry, and low in red meat and butter may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Read the findings of this report here.

Elev8 Health

Check out these tips that will shave valuable minutes off your fitness routine while still getting you the same benefits as a full-length workout.

Elev8 Health

Squeezing in some extra walking every day is a great way to burn calories, boost mood, and lower your risk of disease. ChiWalking, can even cut down on aches and pains by incorporating elements of tai chi, yoga, and pilates.

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What would you call people who can: help keep your weight off, boost your confidence, and make fitness fun? You might call them "miracle workers."

Elev8 Health

Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Walk your dog; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Think 'move' in small increments of time. "He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything." -Arabian Proverb