Micah Dixon

Micah Dixon

Parma City Schools is pushing into affect this school year armed staff on school grounds. According to ClevelandScene, trained staff in Parma City Schools will be authorized to carry guns on school property. There was a resolution that was passed unanimously on July 20. This a first for Parma, and it comes directly after Ohio […]

Micah Dixon

Today is the day to celebrate your love. Some would call her your significant other, and those who have been together for years would say common law wife. Any who, Happy National Girlfriend Day!  Lets look forward to see how many guys will show love to their girlfriend. It’ll be surprising to see just how […]

Micah Dixon

You should be caught up on all the episodes of the Mind of Micah. The podcast that talks every culture, heritage, mommying, dating, healthy lifestyles and much more! Every guest has to answer a few questions that Micahs ask and from there the conversations goes into a great discussion. If you’re a surface level kind […]

Micah Dixon

Today is the day to enjoy yourself some avocado! Its the 31st July and that makes it National Avocado day.  So enjoy yourself some food that yo can use and eat on the avocado. It can be used as a quick appetizer if you’re into making guacamole with chips. Did you know that avocados are […]

Micah Dixon

PROTECT OUR CHILDREN!! Salute to the actor, father, and a man of honor, Ashton Kutcher. He and his team have been combating sex trafficking for some time now. There was a speech that Ashton Kutcher gave to congress 6 yrs ago, that has resurfaced on the film Sounds of Freedom. In the incredible true story […]

Micah Dixon

July 27th is National Chili Dog day is here! Oh how those childhood days remind you of cold weather and your mother at the stove making chili dogs. A chili dog is simple you just get a turkey, beef, or pork, even vegan hot dog, and some chili beans and slap it all together on […]

Micah Dixon

Ok so if you are sleep on They Cloned Tyrone, then you’re missing our on a mystery, fantasy yet informative movie. Now it will have you questioning everything you know, because we are so conditioned to believe whatever we are taught. It is true that what you feed yourself, whether its food wise, music, or […]

Micah Dixon

This holiday is a chance to celebrate all of our second fathers and mother. Yes your Aunt and Uncle play an important role in your life. They are part of your village, part of you tribe. Although they did not birth you they play a very important influence over your life. So take time to […]

Micah Dixon

Today is the day to grab a bite of some ice cream, and celebrate it being National Hot Fudge Sundae Day. National Hot Fudge Sundae is cold ice cream that is topped with hot chocolate syrup! Sounds so “YUMMY” right?? There are a few of American cities that claim to be home of the ice […]

Micah Dixon

This episode is one for the books as Micah sits down with the Ohio Playa, Mookie Motonio. Now don’t let the word playa fool you, it doesn’t always apply to sexual things, but more to a mindset. In this episode you can dive more into the mind of Mookie, as well as into the Mind […]

Micah Dixon

Thankfully Ive had my share of caviar so this day is not for me but for you. National Caviar Day is the day for you to celebrate eating a seafood delicacy! If you have no idea what caviar is, well its a dead fish. Well not technically but its actually Sturgeon fish eggs. Now I […]

Micah Dixon

So July 17th is a bunch of different national holidays.  However this one stuck out because there are so many men who find themselves in the doghouse. If you’re not hip to the doghouse, its pretty much when a man has been bad and the woman puts him in timeout. He has to sleep on […]