Celebrity Gossip

Kanye West in a twitter rant tells the world that he is 53 mill in debt. wow even through the wire He better ask his wife or mother in law for the money smh I knew it was down goes Kanye when he married Kim How can he be broke, I don’t know, might be […]

  Facebook stocks may not be doing as well as CEO Mark Zuckerberg would have hoped, but let’s face it, the man still has quite a bit of money. But if it’s one place Zuckerberg is choosing to not spend his cash, it’s on treating his new wife Priscilla Chan. By now most of us […]

- Entertainment News

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg weds in California!!! Now that Mark has gotten hitched, will he ever hear those three special words from his wife??? “I want half”, just saying!


Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of facebook is a said to be worth 4 BILLION dollars now. But these two dudes said facebook was their idea…I put up 2 videos of them being interviewed about the ordeal for you.     The TODAY SHOW Interviewed the two here also… http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/26184891/vp/39267052#39267052