Grammy-winning rapper Lil Wayne has reacted to recent news and reports of a wounded American soldier crediting one of his songs for helping him battle a near-death experience in Afghanistan Some content was stripped by our security filters, but is should be possible for one of your Editors to embed the content for you. Some content was […]


Via: CLEVELAND — It was a total surprise and that ended in a “Yes.” Saturday, Brooke Aldous thought she was just going out for a drink with her boyfriend Cameron Amigo. Both Cameron and Brooke are home on leave from the National Guard. Brooke, on a two week leave, just left Afghanistan and wanted […]

- Entertainment News

On this week’s episode of  ‘Surprise Homecoming,’ a U.S. soldier surprises his two kids at church with a very emotional homecoming. Sgt. Lee, a single parent dad, had been stationed in Iraq on a year-long deployment, but finally came home for an emotional surprise reunion with his two kids. Posing as a guest singer, Sgt. […]

News & Gossip

Police are constantly under scrutiny for using unnecessary force, and this case is no different. An Iraq War ex-soldier refused to show his ID to an officer and got pounded out because of it.