Elev8 Health

Did you know … Autism now affects 1 in 68 children and 1 in 42 boys Autism prevalence figures are growing Autism is the fastest-growing…

1. Calling it your vagina is OK. Yes, the word “vagina” can sound weirdly formal for something that is attached to your body, but it’s not Voldemort…. 2. What you’re calling your vagina might not actually be your vagina. At some point in human history, “vagina” somehow became a catch-all for everything between our legs […]

Fitness & Nutrition

Irish Margarita Alcohol contains sugar, of course, but this recipe has no additional sugars from mixers. 1 1/2 oz. Ancho Reyes Chile Liqueur 1 oz. Montelobos Mezcal 1/2 oz. Milagro Tequila 1 oz. fresh lime juice…. Hilton Head Health’s shake is nonalcoholic and loaded with vitamins and minerals. 2 cups fresh spinach 2 cups coconut […]

  Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to…

  I finally decided to give it a shot a few months later while on a three-week vacation in Thailand. I figured, this way, I’ll just have greasy hair on the beach, NBD. But I wasnot prepared for how intense those first couple weeks really were. My hair was the greasiest it’s ever been. I […]

Scientists at Cambridge University and Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science recently announced that babies developed from the DNA of two people of the same sex…

Elev8 Health

We’re busy. There is a lot to accomplish in 24 hours. Often we forgo sleep to get it all (or most of it) done. But…

As winter wallops our nation, and the hours of daylight fade, it’s not unusual for people to begin feeling sad, tired or moody. These symptoms…

Family Health

cbsnews.com is reporting:: An experimental drug compound is showing promise against the virus that causes AIDS. Scientists from the Scripps Research Institute in Florida, Harvard Medical School and more than a dozen other institutions developed the novel drug candidate and tested it in rhesus macaques, monkeys which can carry simian HIV, a virus similar to the one […]

“How can I lose 10 lbs in five days?” That’s the number one question I get asked as a pro FitGirl. And the second question I am always asked is, “What should I eat before and after I work out?” Well since the first question is totally against my RAD girl beliefs,I am glad to […]

Food is so delicious, that's probably why so many of us have a hard time keeping healthy eating habits.

In science fiction movies, it seems like it is easy to edit the genetics of a living organism. In reality, it is very, very difficult.…